Year 4

Class Teacher

Teaching Assistant

Mr S Critchley



PE lesson will be taught every Mondays. They will need their PE kit for this lesson.

Swimming lesson every Friday afternoon. They will need their swimming costumes.


Homework will be handed out on a Wednesday and is expected back to school on a Monday.

It will consist of reading every night, a spelling/handwriting activity, a maths activity and a reading comprehension. 

Times Tables

At St Josephs’, we believe that the rapid retrieval of concrete numerical facts is essential to making the outstanding progress that we expect and strive for in all aspects of mathematics.

It is a government statutory requirement that Year 4 have a times tables test in the summer term.

We have provided extra resources for the children to use at home designed to aid the practice of times tables. Please encourage your child to practice their times tables, as this will help them with their learning skills and improve their maths confidence.

Times Tables Rock Stars – Times Tables Rock Stars Top Marks Maths Games | ictgames
Times Tables Rock Stars Top Marks Times Tables Game ICT Games
Bingo for Kids – Apps on Google Play About Us - - Free Games Teaching Tables - Free Times Tables Games and Whole Class Teaching Tools  from Interactive Resources (Primary Games)
Bingo Multiplication Game Teaching Tables
Class Learning in Year 4 – 2024/25:
Link to documents:
Meet The Teacher (PDF)
Meet The Teacher Letter (Word)
Year 4 Timetable (Word)