
School Attendance

Dear Parents/Carers,

As some of you may be aware we have a new attendance policy. This is in line with guidance from the DFE. Attendance at school every day is vitally important for your child to thrive both academically, socially and emotionally.

Pupils considered with good attendance are those who are here at school 97% – 100% of the time and these children will have letters sent home congratulating them on their attendance every half term.

Children whose attendance falls below this target will get a letter home advising you of the concerns we have. Some parents have already had this letter and we are upset by it, especially if children had been sent home by school.

I understand if children are poorly and have had 2 days off at this time of year then their attendance will fall below 97%. However, if they come to school each day after they have been poorly their attendance will soon be back on track.

If a child falls below 91% attendance you may be asked to come to a meeting with school and/or the attendance officer to see how we can help you to improve your child’s attendance. If it does not improve statutory action could be taken.

Attendance is a huge priority for us as a school because last year’s attendance was 91% which is way below government targets. Some of this was due to extended holidays in term time which as you all know we do not authorise and all parents receive fines if they choose to do this.

Our children love coming to school and we love to teach them. Please try and send your child to school everyday so that they can be the best that they can be.

Our attendance policy can be found on our website.

Kind regards

Mrs E. Eccles



Tips for Good School Attendance

  • Good habits start early in life, so even before your child starts school, establish good routines, such as reading before bedtime and going to bed on time
  • If your child is off school, you must let the school know why and tell them when they can expect your child back
  • Make all appointments for the doctor, dentist, optician etc after school hours or during the school holidays where possible
  • Take an active interest in your child’s school work and offer support with homework
  • Attend parent’s evenings to discuss your child’s progress
  • Make sure your child understands the benefits of regular attendance at school
  • Do not let your child stay off school for a minor ailment
  • Take all holidays during the school holiday periods

We want all children to have the best possible attendance at school to enable each and every child to reach their full potential. 

There is a strong link between good school attendance and achieving good results for children. Children who frequently miss school may fall behind in their work which may affect their future prospects.

The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2013, require schools to take an attendance register twice a day, once at the start of the morning session and then again during the afternoon session.   

The register must record whether the pupil was:

  • present
  • absent
  • present at approved educational activity; or
  • unable to attend due to exceptional circumstances.

All absences will be treated as unauthorised unless a satisfactory explanation for the pupil’s absence has been received.

Parents must advise the school by telephone 0161 224 5347 on the first day of absence and provide the school with an expected date of return. 

Late arrival registration begins at 8.47am. Pupils arriving after this time will be marked as present but arriving late. The register will close at 9.15am. Pupils arriving after the close of register will be recorded as late, this is not authorised and will count as an absence for that school session and statutory action may be taken where appropriate.

On arrival after the close of register, pupils must immediately report to the school office to ensure that we can be responsible for their health and safety whilst they are in school.

If your child is not in school and parent/carer has not informed us they will be off school, we will firstly check in your child’s classroom if they are present or not, then we will send a text message to parent/carer asking why your child is not in school.

Attendance Celebration

We celebrate class group attendance each week in assembly.

We also hand out certificates to pupils at the end of each term if they have achieved 100% and most improved attendance score.

We have an attendance board in school which is updated with the weekly attendance result. At the end of the term, the class with the best attendance will receive a reward. 

* School Year 2023-2024 *
Data coming soon

Holiday Leave

If the permission to take leave is not granted and the parent takes their child out of school the absence will be unauthorised. In such cases the school may request the local authority issue a Penalty Notice.

Yearly School Attendance Result (%)

1st Sept 2016 to 31st July 2017   95.8%
1st Sept 2017 to 31st July 2018 95.7%
1st Sept 2018 to 31st July 2019 95.1%
1st Sept 2019 to 31st July 2020 93.5%
1st Sept 2020 to 31st July 2021 94.4%
1st Sept 2021 to 31st July 2022 91.7%
1st Sept to 2022 31st July 2023 92.69%