Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


How much is a school dinner?

School dinners cost £2.20 per meal. This needs to be paid in advance on ParentPay. A gentle reminder is sent to parents if they are in debt.

How long does my child get for lunchtime?

Lunchtime in total lasts 45 minutes and this includes their playtime.

Can my child get free school meals?

Parents can complete a ‘Free School Meal Entitlement Form‘, to check if their child is eligible for free school meals. The reply slip can be completed and returned to school. Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are qualified for free school meals regardless of parents eligibility status.

How can I pay for school meals?

School meal payments need to be made on ParentPay. This can be done with the parents’ log in details. We encourage all parents to sign up to this payment as we operate a cashless office. 

Can my child change from school meals to packed lunch?

Yes. we advise you let the office staff know in advance so we can make the kitchen staff aware of this change. 

What if my child forgets his/her water bottle?

That is fine. We have water available in class to drink.

It is my child’s birthday, can I send anything into school?

Yes, your child can bring in small party bags or sweets/chocolates. If you would like to send cake we advise for it to be cupcakes so it easier to manage and distribute in class. 


What time does school start?

School starts at 8.45am. School gates open at 8.30am.

Nursery entrance is on Daisy Bank Road.

Reception to Year 6 entrance is on Plymouth Grove.

What time does school finish?

Nursery finish at 3.05pm. Entrance from Daisy Bank Road gate.

Reception to Year 6 finish at 3.15pm. Entrance from Plymouth Grove gates.

What if my child is running late for school?

Your child needs to report to the main office, where they will be given a LATE card. He/she can then make their way to class and give their teacher the card so they know your child has been marked present by the office staff.

What if I’m running late to pick up my child from school?

If you could contact the office staff as soon as possible on 0161 224 5347 to let us know. 

What if my child is not feeling well?

If your child is ill and cannot attend school, you need to ring the school office on 0161 224 5347, to let us know of the circumstances.

What if my child has a doctor/dentist appointment?

If you could inform the office staff of the appointment by calling on the day on 0161 224 5347 or in advance. We may ask to see evidence of the appointment in form of letter or text message so your child can receive a medical mark on the register.

Can my child take a day off for his/her birthday?

We do not authorise whole day absences or early finishes for birthdays. If your child is not in school for this reason, it will be marked as unauthorised.

Can I book a holiday during term time?

We do not authorise holidays during term time. Any holiday needs to be booked during the school holidays. Children’s attendance to school is compulsory otherwise we would need to issue penalties.

The full attendance information can be found on our Attendance Policy.

Can my child take off days for Eid/Religious Observances?

At St Joseph’s we recognise the multi-faith nature of british society, so we authorise 1 day for each religious observance if this falls outside any school holiday period.

When are the school holidays?

Full updated information and dates are available on our Term Dates page on the website.

Paper copies are also available from the school office.

Holiday List 2023-2024

School Holidays Calendar 2023-2024

What if my child wants to bike to school?

We have a secure area available in school for bikes. Your child would need to bring their own lock.


Does the uniform need to have the school logo?

The jumper/cardigan needs to be branded with the school logo.

This can be purchased from Triple S or MCS Stores. Click here to view address details.

The rest of the uniform can be plain with no logo.

What if my child loses his/her school uniform?

We have a lost property in school. We advise all parents to label every item of clothing incase it does get misplaced and it is easier to find in the lost property.

Can I buy cheaper uniform?

We do sell second hand items in school in very good condition at a much lower cost. You can enquire at school office.

Can my child wear jewellery?

On health and safety grounds we do not allow children to wear jewellery in our school. The exceptions to this rule are studs in pierced ears. We ask the children to remove these objects during PE and games.

Health/Medical Conditions

Can my child take medicine at school?

Yes. Parents need to complete Pupil Medication Request Form. You can complete this at school office.

The medication can be handed to the office staff and they will administer the medicine according to the form. 

What if my child has a medical appointment?

If you could inform the office staff of the appointment by calling on the day on 0161 224 5347 or in advance. We may ask to see evidence of the appointment in form of letter or text message so your child can receive a medical mark on the register.

What if my child has an accident at school?

First aid trained staff will provide first aid to your child in school depending on injury. If it is a significant injury, we will inform the parents. 

If it is a serious injury we will ring the parent and medical services as soon as possible.

What if my child is ill and can’t attend school?

We ask that children remain at home until they are well enough to return to school. For sickness, stomach bugs, diarrhoea we advise that children stay at home for atleast 48hours after their last episode.


What if someone else needs to collect my child?

If parent/carer could contact the office on 0161 224 5347 to inform us if someone other than themselves is collecting your child. The office staff would make the teacher/s aware.

How do I contact the headteacher?

You can call our school office on 0161 224 5347, so you can make appointment to meet with the headteacher.

You can alternatively, email our office staff who will forward the message to the relevant person.

A member from the Senior Leadership Team is also available in the playground before and after school for a brief discussion.

Where can I get my child’s class teacher details from?

This information is all available from our Classes page. Each class information and teacher details is available.


Is there any breakfast clubs?

We have breakfast club running before school Monday – Friday 8am – 8.30am.

We offer a healthy breakfast of toast and cereal. Alongside any food we receive from Fair Share including yoghurt, fruit, cheese and cereal bars.

Children can read books or take part in other activities.

This costs £2 per day for each child which can be paid on ParentPay.

After School Club Information

There is a variety of after school clubs running during each school term at the end of the day (usually 3.15pm -4.00pm). Letters are sent out to parents at the end of the term to book places in the clubs for the next term. Your child would receive a letter confirming or declining their place.

After School Club Information

Can my child walk home alone?

The headteacher requires written consent from the parent/carer stating the child can walk home unsupervised.