

Class Teacher

Teaching Assistant


 Mrs C Knox

Miss Broomhead

Mr Knox


Homework will be handed out on a Wednesday and is expected back to school on a Monday.

Read with your child for a minimum of 10 minutes each day and sign the reading book record and send the books in with them. Your child will be given a reading scheme book and a library book each week.

Class Learning in Reception 2023/24:



World Book Day – Chocolate mousse for greedy goose. I’ll lick the bowl said furry mole. I’ll lick it cleaner laughed the hyena

Oral Health in Children

The British Society of Paediatric Dentistry are dedicated to improving the oral health of children in the UK.

Below are some links and videos for some information on oral hygiene.

Some Fun Learning

Click on website links below to watch some fun videos and play games

Please Note: a Nursery place does not guarantee a place in Reception Class
Links to documents:
Meet The Teacher (PDF)
Reception Welcome letter (Word)
Reception Timetable (Word)