
St Joseph’s Governing Body

Our school governors have a lot of responsibility for improving school performance and accountability, as well as several legal obligations to make sure that the school is achieving the best possible outcomes for its young people.

The main duties and responsibilities of the governing body include:

  • Setting the school’s vision, ethos and strategic direction.

  • Holding the school’s leaders to account.

  • Ensuring that the school’s finances are well managed.

  • Working effectively as a team.

  • Maintaining a good working relationship with the head teacher

  • Understanding the school and its community.

  • Continuously driving school improvement.

Governors work together to provide independent oversight of the management and operation of a school, with the aim of improving the quality of education provided and raising standards. A school’s governing body does not run the school on a day-to-day basis; this is the job of the Head Teacher and other senior staff.

Our school is committed to having an active board that is diverse and inclusive and reflective of the community we serve. More information is available upon request from the school office.

Meet Our Governors
* Julie Miles (Chair of Governors) *

I have been a foundation governor at St Joseph’s for many years and in recent years I have had the privilege of being the chair of governors. I have been in education for 33 years – 17 years as a teacher and 16 as a Headteacher. I’m a mum and a grandparent and I am surrounded by a large extended family. Family is so important to each and everyone of us and St Joseph’s is very much a family school with a close knit community. High quality education is crucial in ensuring that children grow, develop and thrive in all they do. This is part of our work as governors – to help the school achieve its goals in being the best it can be so that children flourish, shine and achieve their full potential.

* Pat Jones (Vice Chair) *

My name is Pat Jones and I am a Foundation Governor appointed by the Bishop of Salford for St Joseph’s RC Primary School. I have over 35 years of teaching and school leadership experience working in primary schools in the diocese. For 22 years I was a Primary Headteacher in Manchester and Bury and in the 1980s I worked as a teacher in St Bernard’s School. Our catholic school is where children can develop their faith and learn and flourish as members of our school and parish community. I am delighted to be part of St Joseph’s school community to serve as a governor.

* Father Rob Morland *

Born in Liverpool in 1953 the 4th of 5 children. I was brought up nominal Anglican and became a Catholic in my 20th year. I went to seminary to train with the SMA Fathers in 1975. I was ordained in Manchester in 1982 by St Pope John Paul II. I was appointed to Nigeria, where I worked as an assistant priest then as Parish Priest and also worked on the Development, Leadership Education Services. I came back to the UK and was appointed to an SMA parish in West Green London where I worked for 12 years. During my time in Administration I visited Liberia, South Africa, Nigeria, Cote d’Ivoire, Kenya and India. I was asked to consider coming back into full time Pastoral work and had a temporary appointment in Salford Diocese to supply at English Martyrs, Whalley Range for 19 months until the Bishop asked the SMA to take on responsibility for St Joseph’s Longsight, this took effect from January 2019. Shortly after the Bishop asked me to take on St Edward’s, Rusholme and form the new parish of St Josephs and St Edwards, Longsight and Rusholme. Today I am a member of the board of Governors for St Josephs School and Divine Mercy School. I also am one of the Episcopal Vicars for Religious appointed by Bishop John.

* Chris Hill *

Have worked in Education for 48 years covering three primary schools and was the Deputy Headteacher at St Joseph’s until I retired. My roles consisted of RE co-ordinator, Deputy Head, Acting Head on two separate occasions, teacher governor and support for a child with double hearing loss. I have also been a school governor for many years with responsibility for safeguarding and additional needs. Have also worked with parish and school on Sacramental Programmes and am well known in the parish community.

* Ann Tipper *

My name is Ann Tipper and I am a Foundation Governor appointed by the Bishop of Salford for St Joseph’s RC Primary School. I have a long association of working in many catholic primary schools in the diocese of Salford and Shrewsbury by providing Christian resources to support the development of worship and religious education.

* Claire Van Es *

I have worked as a teacher for over 27 years in all key stages and at St. Joseph’s for the last 6 years. I am the staff governor. I teach English and Religion in year 6, lead English and Computing across the school, and I am a member of the senior leadership team. I am passionate about providing our children with the best possible education, where Gospel values are firmly upheld, so that each individual reaches their true potential.

* Elizabeth Eccles *

I am the Headteacher of St Joseph’s and this is my tenth year in this role. I have been a teacher here since 1995 and have dedicated my whole career to the children and families of Longsight and beyond. I got married at St Joseph’s and the children were part of the biggest day of my life. I am very passionate that all the children in the school should be treated like my own boys and have the nurturing, love and care to be the best that they can be.

Governing Body Meetings

Full governing body meetings are normally held once a term and whilst there are many important aspects of the role, the most important is the business that takes place at these meetings.

School Visits

Governing bodies are responsible for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of a school and its curriculum. School visits will help governors to understand more about their school and the reality of
school life. Governor visits to classrooms are not a form of inspection but serve as a clear monitoring function on the implementation of the school’s strategic planning.

Committee Meetings

A governing body is required to have certain statutory committees but may also wish to establish other committees. Most governors are members of committees, whose work is reported back to the full governing body. This is so all governors are kept informed of matters and working progress.

Reading & Agenda

Prior to meetings, you will receive an agenda, a copy of the minutes from the previous meeting and any other relevant papers that are to be discussed. It is recommended that you take time to read and familiarise yourself with these documents prior to the meeting. Make notes of anything you are unsure of so you can ask questions at the meeting if necessary.

Governance Structure Details

Finance & Personnel Health & Safety Curriculum & Standards Headteacher Performance Management (HTPM) Pay Appeals
Father Rob Morland (Chair) Miss Tipper (Chair) Mrs Jones (Chair)      
Mrs Eccles Mrs Eccles Mrs Eccles Mrs Miles Mrs Jones Mrs Miles
Mrs Miles Miss Hill Father Rob Father Rob Father Rob 2 Others
Mrs Jones Father Rob Mrs Miles      
    Mrs Van Es      

Link Governor Roles

SEN Chris Hill  
RE Father Rob Morland  
Safeguarding/LAC/H&S Father Rob Morland  Chris Hill
GDPR Julie Miles  
English Pat Jones  
Maths Pat Jones  
Art/DT Ann Tipper  
Geography Julie Miles  
History Julie Miles  
Computing Pat Jones  
PE Ann Tipper  
Science Julie Miles  
Music Ann Tipper  
PSHE Julie Miles  
French Father Armand  
Link to documents:
Governor Information (Word)
Governors Attendance Record 2023-24 (Word)
Meet our Governors (Word)